Signs crack addiction
Signs crack addiction

signs crack addiction

Feeling like you can’t function without using.

signs crack addiction

Making attempts to stop using but continuing to use.Slipping in your performance at work and/or school.Withdrawing from friends, family, loved ones, and others.No longer showing interest in previously enjoyed activities/hobbies.Putting your crack use above all other responsibilities in your life.Hiding your crack use from others/using in secret.Consider the following signs of crack addiction: Behavioral signs Unfortunately, no matter how hard you may try to hide it, your addiction will eventually become noticeable. If you are addicted to crack, you are probably exhibiting behavioral, psychological, and other physical signs of your addiction. The specific stimulant effects that are produced by abusing crack are not the only potential signs of crack addiction. Wanting to abuse crack to achieve these effects can serve as the beginning stages of addiction. These symptoms can occur anytime you use crack but does not always signify an addiction. Alertness (sometimes to the point of paranoia).They can include, but are not limited to, the following: However, when a crack addiction is occurring, the stimulant effects are often more intense. These effects include excessive energy, increased heart rate, and talkativeness. Signs of a Crack AddictionĬrack is a stimulant, which means that it produces stimulant effects. More risk is associated with injecting crack because of the potential for bloodborne diseases or developing an infection. This is done by mixing crack with a household item like vinegar, lemon juice, or even soda. However, it is also common practice to inject this substance. People who abuse crack often smoke it by putting the rock in a crack pipe and heating it. That rock is then cut into smaller rocks and sold. As it cools, it hardens like a rock, which is where the slang term “rock” is derived from. It is made by dissolving powder cocaine in a mixture of water and baking soda and then boiling it. What is Crack?Ĭrack is a semi-synthetic substance. While opioids have taken over as the most widely abused drug in the country today, crack still remains one of the most commonly abused illicit substances here and across the world. Gaining popularity in the 1980’s right after the height of the cocaine era of the ’70s, crack abuse became so pervasive that it reached epidemic proportions by the early 1990s.

Signs crack addiction