Recall an email on mac
Recall an email on mac

recall an email on mac

recall an email on mac

Note: This system isn't flawless and depending on the recipient's specific Outlook settings, and whether or not they read the original message or the replacement message first, your recall may not always be successful. You should make any desired changes to the email body and then hit Send. A new message window appears containing the text from the message you want to recall and resend.If you want to both recall the sent message and send another replacement message, fill in the circle next to Delete unread copies and replace with new message and hit OK. If you only want to delete the sent message and don't wish to send a replacement, fill in the circle next to Delete unread copies of this message and hit OK. You can also check the box for Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient if you want details on the success or failure of your recall attempt.The following popup box provides two options: Delete unread copies of this message and Delete unread copies and replace with new message.


From there, navigate to the Move section of that tab and click Actions. You might be more conversant with deleting emails on Windows, and if that’s the case, this post will teach you how to delete email accounts on Mac, as well as how to delete admin accounts on Mac. The sent message will open in Outlook's Message tab. (You must actually open the message to recall it. Click to open the message you want to recall.In Outlook's Home tab, click Sent Items in the vertical column along the program's left side. If you fit all of the above requirements, here's how to unsend a message. Outlook allows you to recall an email (or to withdraw it) only if both you and the recipient are using Office 365 or Microsoft Exchange email accounts within the same organization. In other words, not everyone who uses Outlook for email can recall sent messages. The recipient has not read the message you want to recall.The message you want to recall was sent to someone in your organization who is also using Outlook and is also connected to Exchange.Your Outlook mail account is connected to a Microsoft Exchange Server.

recall an email on mac

(There is currently no message recall feature available in Outlook for Mac.)

Recall an email on mac